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Vision Festival: Watermelancholia Launch

Tonight we got to witness the album launch of Watermelancholia by Brajha and his band. The live renditions of the 5 track EP is phenomenal just as the studio recordings. We sat in the Roulette in Brooklyn listening to this band for the very first time and we were amazed by the performances of each track especially the title track which you can connect with the movement of the bass player and sax through each note. From there on each song have it own highlight from the solos to the time when each performer cued in. For example Sorcery of Terminology started off the show with a vibrant rendition of the flute solo and from there the bass came in to give the audience a refresher how good the band is live. As the band played through the album with some unexpected improvisations throughout the set. To be honest we never heard the band until tonight but better late to the party than never. This definitely was a good introduction for us to get acquainted.

Based off the live renditions of Watermelancholia and some bonus songs as well, rest assured we are definitely going to download the album immediately. Watermelancholia remind us of Mingus mixed with a little spirituality. Highly recommend that you catch the band performing live, they are worth the admission. Also check out the latest album and be amazed for yourself.


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