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Share? Review

Share is a science fiction mystery film(maybe) directed and produced by Ira Rosenswieg where a nameless man is trapped in a box(somewhat) and have to embarass himself for a viewing audience who deposits money(?) in his account for him to purchase drinks and personal items. Throughout the ordeal he mets other people in the same predicament as him and they try to find a way out and even revolt exept for one woman who seems comfortable in the situation and wants no parts of leaving. As the first feature film ever to be shot entirely from one fixed camera angle, SHARE? employs immersive cinematic techniques to create a unique experience where the viewer becomes another character in the movie. The film stars Melvin Gregg(The Blackening) as the lead who wakes up and find himself in the space where there is no escape('ll have to see the ending to know) and realizes that if he humilate himself enough he'll obtain fans and get on top of the leaderboard. This is a fascinating film where modern technology is shown as a tool of survival but also can get perverted by our actions. Greg

Gregg does a great job and show a range of emotions where he do not know who to trust or what to believe or even how to get out of the situation. Bradley Whitford (Get Out, The Handmaid’s Tale) and Alice Braga (The Suicide Squad, Hypnotic) are two crafty veterans who philosophize their reasons to staying but want to know who is controlling the situation and why. Their roles balances out each other and give Gregg a ying and yang throughout the film that hinders his decision making. Danielle Campbell (Tell Me a Story) plays the woman who gets too comfortable in her confinement and tries to make the best of it and convinces Gregg to do the same. The camera angle gives viewers a bird's eye view of the characters in vulnerable situations. Even when Gregg and the other characters get personal you can see how raw emotional each character is. Ira Rosensweig does a brilliant job with the cinematopography. The dialogue between the characters is poignant and describes our interaction with technology today perfectly. Share? is a brilliant satire of the way we live today and what the future can be once we corrupt technology. This is definitely a film worth looking for in the theaters.



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