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Brooklyn Film Festival Review: Mayor Mohamed

Mayor Mohamed is another documentary that I got to see during the festival. I was getting my feet wet with all these films playing catch up to whichever I missed. I must thank the Brooklyn Film Festival for the opportunity. I had the opportunity to check this next documentary which is about a Muslim-American mayor in a small town in New Jersey and the challenges he faces from all angles included constituents from the town he represents. The documentary starts with Mayor Mohamed Khairullah enjoying a state fair with his team during the early days of the Trump administration. The next scene shows how much his people and town loves his demeanor and leadership skills but later on there are some townspeople who feels that he is doing too much for immigrants. The backdrop of this documentary is the blatant hatred for immigrants mainly Muslims during the early days of the Trump Administration. As the election date gets closer tension rises between communities but also in Mohamed's staff. The inner circle becomes pressured with the reelection but also with personal issues. The documentary is great for this time being that Trump is no longer in office and what his supporters were saying and acting in their communities. In the end of the film you see emotions from all sides and of course the fallout of what happens to the challenger in her quest. I think this is a good documentary to check out especially coming from the Garden State where you don't hear much about their local politics.



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