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Arts For Arts Vision Festival: June 16th 2023

We got the opportunity to start the final weekend of the 2023 Vision Festival with some high spirited performances by some phenomenal artists. To start it off was Patricia Brennan's More Touch, a five piece band lead by the amazing Patricia Brennan on marimba and vibes. The opening song started with a great compliment of the congo and bass together dominated the rhythm to set the tone for the rest of the performance. Each song after that got more energetic and frantic in a good way. Various solos from each player help filled in throughout the set kept the audience gravitated to the harmony of the instrument. With the phenomenal art work of Mincho Vega in the background complimented each song was a good fit. As first timers witnessing this group live we was impressed from how each instrument played a significant part in keeping the fluidity of the music also being flexible by playing off key. The third song was a break in the high energy style of the first couple of songs. With a heavy dose of percussion from the drum and congo it set a calming tone yet sensing there's something else is coming. The clashing of various instruments creates a tone of controlled noise that performs well together. More Touch performance was a brilliant one and a great way to start the evening.

Mayan Space Station Flight 66 is one of the interesting bands we ever saw live. For one they just did one long session. No rhyme or reason just jamming and that they did well. William Parker may be the architect of the group but each member got a chance to lead and lead the audience on different paths. The violinists made sure that everyone was in place as the drums and guitar came in. There on we noticed that the session was at a climax building to a sound explosion. It did and watching the audience being in awe of the group it made us realize that we need to come to more of their shows in the future. It was great seeing bands like this live and experiencing new music in the process. We are grateful for the opportunity to share and discuss these performances to you. We definitely going to be checking Spotify for their catalog and try to catch them in the future.

Thanks to Arts For Arts for the chance to attend and talk about the festival. A great opportunity that we hope to get next year as well.



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