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ADIFF 2023 Opening Night
Another appearance at the ADIFF and this year's opening night film is a great one. A Hope Of Escape which is a docudrama based on the...

Bushwick Film Festival: The Great Glitch
The Great Glitch is a complete head trip that you need to watch a couple of times to catch anything that you may have missed. Since it...

Share? Review
Share is a science fiction mystery film(maybe) directed and produced by Ira Rosenswieg where a nameless man is trapped in a box(somewhat)...

Yoshiki: Under The Sky
Yoshiki: Under The Sky is a documentary with performances from all over the world. Yoshiki is a producer who produces some of the biggest...

The Queue.
We was at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival this year and we posted before we did not get to see all the movies that we wanted or needed...

DOC NYC 2023: Shari & Lamb Chop
For this year's DOC NYC festival, we got the opportunity to screen the documentary " Shari & Lamb Chop" based on the amazing career of...

Dances With Films NYC
Starting November 30th and running through December 3rd 2023 it will be The Dances With Films festival but the New York version since the...
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